Weight Up and Down

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Have a friend with a few extra pounds can make you gain weight too … Why? Because both shared habits, tastes and excesses …
But before you think to put a stop to this relationship, note that the friendship between you can lead a good thing: if they decide to be dieting and exercising together, weight loss will be much easier!
A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, found that as with many other habits, social environment contributes directly to the development of overweight and obesity. To put it another way, being chubby is “contagious.”
Figures do not lie: the risk of obesity increases by almost 60% when a friend is a dramatic increase in weight. But note the following: the specialists say that the “contagion effect was greater when people were of the same sex, but not when they were close without friendship.
The reasons for the “contagion”
“This means, for example, that a person will not gain weight because your neighbor is overweight, but weight will increase when one of his closest friends, with whom it shares time, habits, tastes and exit-do” explained the study’s authors.
The experts add that the perception one has of himself and in this case, their physical, has much to do with what he sees in others. For example, “a person who has several friends who are overweight see themselves as thinner and therefore may tend to be neglected.”
Another theory offered to weight gain “contagious” is that “you choose your friends agree with certain issues in common. One of them could be, for example, lack of interest in physical activity, a key tool for maintain weight. ”
The positive side of friendship
The experts admitted that while the results of this experiment are not very encouraging for those who have friends “fat”, the important thing is to take advantage of the relationship between these two factors.
“No need to look at the glass half empty. If we believe that friendship can make gaining weight a person can quietly find a solution that relationship to the problem.’s Not forget that it is always easier to do things two with a friend or family member. ”
Asked by Pro-Health News regarding obesity contagious, Dr. Alberto Cormillot, nutritionist, director of the Argentine Institute of Food and Nutrition (Iaan) and the Bachelor of Nutrition Isalud Foundation, said that “the willingness genetic influences 30 to 40 percent when we consider the possibility that a person will develop overweight, while the environment does the rest. There come into play not only friends but also the activities carried out and those not so as well as the type of food you eat.

Alex Gerrard shows off results of diet and exercise regime, flaunts toned body in a bikini. We consider joining a gym. OMG!

Alex Gerrard is no stranger to a strict diet and exercise regime, and it seems that it's paid off
with the star parading her toned body in a bikini during a holiday in Spain

Alex Gerrard has shown off her amazingly toned bikini body during a holiday in Spain. Copyright [Xposure]Alex, 30, was photographed taking a dip in the sea, wearing a blue patterned bikini which showed off her toned stomach. She looks so amazing, we're even contemplating joining a gym.

The WAG has followed a diet and exercise plan ever since 2009 after she saw unflattering bikini photos of herself.

Alex Gerrard has followed a diet and exercise regime since 2009. Copyright [Xposure]She explained: "When I returned from celebrating my first wedding anniversary with Steven, I saw pictures of me in a red bikini. I was horrified to see rolls of fat! I’ve cut out all bread and pasta, and I try not to have any carbs in the evening. I used to like stodgy stuff but I’m not tempted now. I don’t want do undo all my good work."

[Alex Gerrard is pretty proud of her hot body]

[Get bikini ready in four minutes]

Alex went on to say: "The hardest area for me to lose weight was around my stomach because I’ve had children. But now I’ve got quite a toned tummy."

Alex Gerrard and husband Steven are in Spain celebrating their wedding anniversary. Copyright [Twitter]We reckon Alex has been working out doubly as hard considering she's holidaying with her husband Steven Gerrard to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary.

Alex, who's mum to Lily-Ella, nine, Lexie, seven and Lourdes, two, has tweeted numerous romantic photos of her and Steven during their romantic break.

Alex Gerrard revealed she began dieting and exercising after seeing unflattering photos of herself on holiday. …She posted one photo of herself sitting on Steven's lap as the sun set in Spain.

Alex Gerrard didn't like these photos, taken in 2008, because she had 'rolls of fat'. Copyright [Splash]And on the day of her anniversary, she took to Twitter to say: "Happy anniversary to my husband love u always !!! Xxx At blue marlin. having a fab day for my anniversary !! X"

Lose Weight and Feel Great with The Zone Diet -- Formula Zone


Lose Weight and Feel Great with The Zone Diet

There are typically three reasons you’re looking at a diet site:

  1. You’re ready to lose weight right now.
  2. You’re concerned about your overall health.
  3. You have dietary issues, such as diabetes or high cholesterol.
We make following the Zone Diet easy even if you're already on a diet, need to prepare
food for the rest of your family, or are too busy for complex recipes and calorie counting.

Get the Body You Want With The Zone Diet.

 The Zone Diet is based on nutritionally sound principles. When you’re eating right, the pounds seem to melt away. 


If you’re new to the Zone, here’s a quick explanation: you’ll plan your meals, shop for groceries as you’ve always done, and cook your meals.
There’s a substantial math requirement, though, to keep your nutrition scientifically balanced to make your body release those extra pounds. FormulaZone was created to do the calculations for you, and make following the Zone Diet easy.
FormulaZone starts you out with over 3,100 recipes, and offers a dozen easy-to-use tools to help your whole family successfully lose weight and get healthy. And because being healthy shouldn’t be expensive, you can join, and plan meals for every member of your family at no additional charge.

You don't have to make major changes to the way you eat.

The FormulaZone simplifies your diet. You won’t be hungry when you get the right kind of nutrients - low glycemic carbohydrates, enough protein, and some fat each meal, you'll think clearly, have more energy, lose weight, and not worry about blood sugar or cholesterol levels.
Start now By your next meal you'll be enjoying the large portions and loving the variety. Your family won’t even realize they're on a diet.

Already on a diet?

Whether your choice is the Zone Diet, the Formula, 40-30-30, Vegetarian / Vegan, or even the Glycemic Index, we have an incredible collection of tools that make sticking to your plan infinitely easier.
Plus the largest collection of 40-30-30 recipes available anywhere - all customizable for your family.

Under a doctor's care / special dietary needs?

FormulaZone has tools for diabetics to control blood sugar, for people suffering from food allergies, even for picky eaters.

Get more from your vegetarian diet.

Use the hundreds of proven vegetarian recipes, or use the Recipe Builder tool to create your own.

4 Key Steps to Keep Your Hubby Healthy

Let's face it — between working long hours and being a seemingly invincible superdad, the man
in your life could use some help staying healthy. Whether your husband seems like the picture
 of good health or the poster child for unhealthy habits, check out these simple tips and
 recommended screenings. Getting him on the right track now will help bolster his health in his
 later years

Keeping Your Husband Healthy, Married couple cooking heart healthy meal for mans diet

Read more on FamilyEducation: http://life.familyeducation.com/slideshow/health/70898.html#ixzz2akGzb21k

Patrol His Plate

Does your guy love meat and potatoes? That's okay — just make sure he chooses the right versions. Processed meats, such as hotdogs and deli cold cuts, and fried and fatty potatoes, such as French fries and chips, are bad for his waistline and his heart health. Instead, he should opt for:
  • Lean meats, such as white meat chicken and turkey, and pork tenderloin, and oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and trout
  • Lean red meats (only once or twice a week), such as flank steak, skirt steak, and beef tenderloin, and 90 percent "extra lean" ground beef
  • Baked potatoes with the skin left on for extra fiber
  • Fiber-rich whole-grain pasta and bread, and brown rice
Round out his plate or lunch bag by filling half of it with fruits and vegetables — fresh ones are best. That will help him meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture's new "My Plate" food guidelines. Print out the "My Plate" graphic to keep on your fridge as a reminder to eat well.
Also, remind him to put down the salt shaker, avoid sugary snacks and soda, and steer clear of heart-clogging partially hydrogenated oils found in many packaged foods. Visit our Food channel for healthy recipes and family nutrition tips.
Next: Keep Him Moving

Tips to Couples’ Weight Loss

Tips to Couples’ Weight Loss

By + on March 3, 2013

Losing weight alone  is a real nightmare; you should fight for cravings alone, you should exercise alone and keep your daily diet alone, without anybody’s help, and agree it’s really too difficult. It’s a totally different case is to join forces and start losing weight as a couple. Follow the best tips to lose wight as a couple and fight fating with him/her.

Choosing the Right Diet as a Couple

First of all when you decide dieting, make sure to choose a diet which is not that difficult for you or your couple, so that two of you can keep the dieting process till the end. Forget about the tasty snacks and start looking for best diet tips for getting the desired effect as soon as possible. Make a daily meal plan and follow it, pay attention to the calories of the food you eat, each of you should have his/her own list and concentrate on their own ones.
Tips to Couples' Weight Loss

Exercising Together as a Couple

Exercising together will not be that boring process any more. Exercising as a couple can turn into a funny process and you will not even manage to notice how it ends. Choose activities in which both of you are interested and it will not be hard for both of you to do that. Running, hiking, dancing, bicycling or finessing; these tips of losing weight will be easily done when together.

Trying Mutual Support as a Couple

Both exercising and fighting for cravings can be overcome easily when you stand together. Mutual support is one of the most important factors during weight loss, as each of us knows how difficult it is to fight against tasty eating. Support each other in a gentle way, this is very important.

Do not Focus on Scales

When dieting do not focus on scales and do not count the scales and do not pay attention to each others’ results. You should understand that there are two different people with two different organisms and muscles. So after some period of dieting pay attention to your clothes, you will at once notice that they have become larger and do not compare the scales results, they will most likely be different.
When comparing men with women, it becomes clear that men do not lose weight faster and do not get nervous about it. Just keep on working out together and enjoy it.

Tips to Couples' Weight Loss

Image courtesy of Getty Images

10 Ways to speed up Weight Loss -- slimming solutions

Weight Loss
Need some extra ideas on how to speed up weight loss? Follow our top 10 tips to help you on your way to quick weight loss. Each tip may seem simple – but combined and followed properly these 10 steps will help to significantly boost your weight loss!
This is a fundamental rule of easy weight loss! Obviously the time you stop eating depends on your routine and lifestyle – but as a rule you should stop eating a good 3 to 4 hours before you plan on going to bed. You need to give your body time to work off your meals, and eating any later than this means that it will struggle to metabolise your meal. Your lunch should be the largest portion of food you eat in your day as your body has plenty of time and energy left to burn those calories off, helping you towards quick weight loss.
Did you realise that there are certain things that you can eat that actually contain less calories than your body burns while you eat them?! To me, that is a small miracle! So if you want to snack – snack on those foods for easy weight loss. Choose from celery, cucumber, watermelon, blueberries, lettuce, green beans, grapes or pears .
Detoxing is a great way to fast weight loss. The detox process flushes our system of toxins that build up and stop our bodies from functioning efficiently. There are various products to help you detox, depending on how you prefer to do it. But a simple way to start to cleanse your system is to start taking a detox supplement such as the Detox Tablet from Silver Slimming.
Research has shown that getting several short bursts of activity into each day is just as effective in achieving easy weight loss as 1 hour long cardio session. And this is good news because there are ways of getting those bursts in to your day without having to make extra time and in ways that you will hardly notice! Starting today, if there are stairs climb them! Avoid the elevator when ever you possibly can. Park your car at the back of the car park and walk briskly. Get off the bus one or even two stops earlier than usual. Every time you are waiting for the kettle to boil or the microwave to ping, do squats or jog on the spot! By introducing these small things into every day you will be raising your heart rate and building your fitness levels. If those stairs leave you breathless today, wait until this time next week – you will see an improvement! And all of this will burn calories and keep your metabolism going throughout the day.
It really is the most important meal of the day. Eat a big breakfast that is sensible and low in saturated fat and your metabolism gets to work, burning off calories for the rest of the day. It is that simple!
Green Tea
Green tea that is! Drinking green tea or taking it as a supplement has been proven to have huge health benefits. Not only does it reduce cholesterol and slow down the aging process but it also is known for its weight loss properties as It helps your body to digest fats and speed up metabolism. Pu-erh tea is a good tea to try after each meal to help with fast weight loss.
Make sure your diet is rich in fibre. Foods like figs, chickpeas, brown rice, beans, bran, nuts and strawberries are all a good source of fibre. It is so beneficial because it not only fills you up, but it powers through your system, flushing it out and taking fats and protein with it!
No not alcohol! Water. Making sure you stay hydrated is so important. Aim to drink at least a litre a day. Firstly, it fills your tummy making you feel full and so less likely to crave food. Secondly when you are dehydrated your brain will try to let your body know it needs water, but this often feels like hunger to us. And so we will eat instead of simply drinking some water. When your body is hydrated your metabolism keeps ticking along, burning fat! And lastly, it is worth remembering that drinking ice cold water actually burns calories! As much as 60 a day!
Well you know you have to start eating a good healthy breakfast to start off each day, but its also the best time of day to get moving! There is no getting away from it – Research has shown that we can burn 3 times as much fat in a morning work out than we can at any other time of the day. By kick starting your body like this every day it will keep on working at top speed for the rest of the day. And that means fat burning galore! You are feeling at your most energetic and more likely to give it your all, unlike at the end of a long day when the last thing you feel like is exercising. And the best thing is – if you do something the instant you get out of bed you are more likely just to do it – and not put it off!
Finally, whenever you feel yourself lose motivation and are starting to give in to temptation, ask your self to make a choice. It’s a little psychological trick that I use and it works every time! Ask your self “which do I want more – this cake/pizza/burger or comfortable size 10 jeans”? Imagine both of these options are actually in front of you and all you have to do is take one and its yours. Which one would you choose? As silly as it sounds it is important to remember that it is actually that simple – it is a series of small choices like this that will eventually pay off! And sooner than you think if you start to implement these weight loss tips now!

Time For A Summer Shake Up? - Slimming Solutions

One Piece Swim SuitSummer is here! Depending on your point of view, this will either be cry of joy or a proclamation of utter panic!
Ok, so we promised ourselves that this year would be different, that our cellulite would be under control, that our bingo wings would be toned to within an inch of their lives and our tummies would be flat as pancakes. But the months have passed so very quickly and now the summer is officially upon us. Did you keep up your summer weight loss plan?
If not don’t panic! Here are some quick summer fixes to make showing your body off, as painless as possible.
Quick Summer Weight Loss
Summer weight loss
There are ways to achieve quick weight loss in time for summer. If you have a holiday planned within the next couple of months and really need to kick start your weight loss plan, you could try a course of slimming pills. Slim Bomb pills really do pack an explosive diet punch! They work by boosting your energy and metabolism, which in turn burns fat and also suppresses appetite.
If you only have a few weeks before you have to face the dreaded swimsuit, then you could think about choosing a short term weight loss diet. We have already highlighted the 3 day diet here at Slimming Solutions, but there are others too. The Lemon Detox Diet or Maple Syrup Diet has been made famous recently because of Beyonce Knowles. She lost an incredible 22 lbs in just 2 weeks for a film role using this method which is a drink based weight loss plan. Our kit contains everything you need to begin following the plan including The Lemon Detox Rejuvenation Sensation book, Supplementary slimming tea bags, root ginger, syrup and even fresh lemons. There really is no excuse!
Another way to see significant, and speedy results is to treat your self to a body wrap. Victoria Beckham is said to be a big fan of their quick shrinking powers on her body – particularly after having her children. The Shape Changer Detox Body Wrap, as well as feeling like a luxury spa treatment at home, has been proven to give results. It was featured on television recently as part of a Supersize vs Superskinny experiment and was shown to help losers shed 2.38 inches on average! Body wraps like this also work to firm skin and reduce cellulite.
Cosmetic Fixes
If your holiday is just around the corner and you have achieved all of the summer weight loss you are realistically going to achieve without hitting your target, there are still ways to feel good about your body!
Firstly, we all know the power of a sun tan! If you are looking golden and sunkissed then everything looks better – even your bikini. Fake tans, such as Fake Bake the tanning product used by Britney Spears, give us an instant lift. They give the illusion on longer, slimmer limbs and also disguise stretch marks and cellulite. The Fake Bake range has everything you need to transform yourself into a bronzed goddess before hitting the beach. There is tanning mousse, lotion, gel, airbrush spray and a make up range with lip gloss and facial bronzer – all designed to really give you the best coverage and glow.One Piece Swim Suit
The other thing you can do to make the most out of your shape, is to shop wisely for your swimwear. Thankfully the one piece swimsuit is back in fashion and there are a multitude of designs to choose from. This is always a good option for those of us who are very self conscious. The one piece will flatter by hiding a tummy and elongating the entire body if worn in a solid colour. A low cut one piece will also draw attention to the bust and away from the lower half, if that is your problem area. And remember to always choose a high leg as this will lengthen the leg and create a slimming effect on the thighs, bum and hips.
If you prefer a two piece swimsuit there are other tips to remember. If you have a large bust always choose a top that has underwiring and supports and lifts your bust.
Two Piece Swim SuitAnything else will only flatten your bust and create an unflattering shape. Longer tankini style tops are good to cover up a larger midriff and wearing a bright or patterned top with dark or plain bottoms will draw the eye away from the tummy, bum and thigh areas. A funkier option if you are intent on covering up is a woman’s surfer style board short teamed with a bikini top. These will cover everything but keep you looking fresh and confident. And lets not forget the fantastic array of sarongs and kaftan style tops, in all lengths that there are available everywhere. But the golden rule when it comes to your beachwear? Always walk tall and wear it with pride no matter what your shape or size! I promise you this makes a huge difference.
And finally, no matter how much you are struggling to lose weight, never lose this! If you do have a holiday planned then see this as your ultimate motivation and in the meantime you could try joining diet clubs and online forums. This kind of support will keep you motivated. And when you feel tempted to cheat or give in ask yourself, “which will bring me more happiness, this chocolate/pizza/cake/burger – or walking along a sun drenched beach wearing nothing but a bikini and a smile?”……

Top diet plans for women

Diet plans for women Best

In case you are attempting to develop a healthy diet plans for women, if you are probably examining all of the numerous approach that are currently in the marketplace. Just like you are doing in case if you’re certainly recognizing the perception that lower carbohydrate diet ideas seem to be the certain ‘en vogue’ move to make at the moment.
Everyone you notice is really banishing carbs off their own diet plans for women regime foreseeing it is the fast strategy to shed extra fat. Nevertheless may possibly be that this scenario? And even perform carbs are deserving of an area in your supper technique? a number of possess a glance in veges inebriated driving attorney may want to reevaluate providing carbs the actual shoe by way of the typical normal everyday diet.
1 carbs May be a Ought to For Exercising Individuals The initial set off carbs may be a ought to is actually simply because they is going to be predicted that you could complete intense bodily activity. When you plan to do weight training within your workouts, which you definitely ought to with regards to greatest last results, you could be inexpensive on carbohydrates. trying to execute a weight training bodily exercise within the carb-free diet plans for women is generally a strategy for disaster. They are going to turn into a ought to.
2 carbs Keep your Metabolic rate Delighted The second cause carbs when your picture at some point inside the diet plans for women is actually simply because they could also prone to allow you to maintain a bigger typical metabolic rate. Individuals who eliminate all carbs could notice fast rapidly the begin, nevertheless this nights. Next they will strike an amount in order to lead to just about all advancement to be able to screech for some quit. carbs assist in keeping the thyroid issue glandular doing work properly that allows you to burn much more vitality each day. A lot more calories from fat burnt indicates a lot more weight reduction. It may simple.
3 carbs Promote A far better feeling closing  the last set off carbs may be a must have in your healthy program is just due to the fact they will help you marketplace a far better feeling. Even though there is certainly issue that eating meals you prefer is enough to create lots of men and women delighted, there is certainly really the chemical compound link keeping this as well. carbs will probably induce the body to release this particular, that really places you inside a excellent problem. Additionally it is the identical materials that the couple of recreational medicines cause a release related to, to be able to observe just how efficient which may be.
Consequently don’t eliminate carbs totally. lower them once more in order to obtain the usage of calories under control nevertheless make sure that they may be performing involve a set up your personal technique. Balanced and healthy diet plans for women is definitely excellent to mix with the obligation type of physical exercise. Individuals, who would like to slim down usually, may well believe that it really is tricky, because of the cause that most convenient way associated with slimming down may really take some time. inside your bodily exercise, attempt to consist of cardio program. cardio exercises are a terrific way to begin with your own physical exercise. This particular exercise does not need complex sets associated with exercises simply to be performed. The advantage of this particular exercises are which, a easy walk that you will be performing inside an every day basis is actually efficient and assisting you to burn off lots of body fat.
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diet plans for women


diet plans for women

One of the main reasons is following the wrong diet plans for women.

There are a number of reasons why there as some people who can’t seem to shed off the extra excess weight no matter what they do. This only leads to wasting time and getting frustrated at the end of the day. There are different diet plans that lead to attaining various goals. For instance you might get a diet plan for weight loss, pounds gain, creating Muscle or detoxing among many others. There are also some meant for girls and men.
It is therefore crucial to carry out enough research to find out the ideal diet plans for ladies so that you can get to the desired body shape and type without having too many complications. There are a number of reasons why you need to work with the right type of diet such as:
It helps you get a wholesome state of mind when it will come to the foods you consume- it is crucial to understand and have a positive attitude when you want to lose fat. Dishearten individuals’ seldom get to their goals. With a great wholesome eating state of mind, it is not only possible to get rid of unwanted pounds but you will also have a wholesome body which suggests trips to the doctors will be reduced significantly.
nutritious portions- it is essential that you find diet plans for women that advocate for healthy serving sizes. This way you will not end up starving on your own but the body will get the necessary nutrients it needs to carry out all body functions without having a trouble while helping you lose body weight at the same time.
Discipline-a great diet plan will help you get the discipline needed to lose fat without putting in too much effort. This is because you will have a timetable to immediate you in the activities that will help you get the desired body bodyweight fast. For example you will know the right time to physical exercise. This does not have to take up all day as there are some basic routines that can be done as you go about your daily programs. This combined with good diet plans for females will most certainly help you lose bodyweight.
The ideal tools- the ideal diet plan arms you with the right tools that are needed to achieve nutritious bodyweight loss. With the right support system you can be sure that you will be successful. This is because you will know the right items for you so that as you go shopping or even eat out you will not be drawn into the temptation of eating what is not right.
Finally if you feel that it is too much for you can also get a buddy or someone you know to try out the diet plans for ladies with you. This is crucial as you are able to give each other moral support which helps procedure to be much easier. Getting encouragement from another person who is also doing the same helps you to keep pushing on until you get to your goal devoid of much difficulty.
for more information >>>>> diet plans for women


Wooly Moss Roots Simple Life of a Soulful Life

For those of you reading Wooly Moss Roots for awhile, you've heard me mention the GAPS diet (the digestive healing diet that our family is following.) I've found it really helpful on our journey, to connect with others also on the diet. One of my favorite places of support is Sarah's blog, Nourished and Nurtured. Not only is it a great source for inspiring recipes and resources, but Sarah has so thoughtfully answered many questions I've had about the diet.
Sarah lives in New Mexico with her husband, Ryan, and two children, Alina and Ian. (They're pictured above during their annual trip to the mountains nearby to pick cherries.) They have been following the GAPS diet for over a year. I asked her to share her experience with all of you.
Here's what I asked:

What sparked your interest in nutrition and what has your food journey looked like so far?

My interest in nutrition began in 2005 when I learned about the benefits of raw milk (my husband is lactose-intolerant but can drink raw milk with no problems).  I was amazed at what great benefits had been lost with modern production/preparation methods, and this really made me wonder what else was wrong with mainstream nutrition guidelines. Once I got the Nourishing Traditions book and learned about Weston A. Price, there was no looking back.  I've been a voracious reader of nutrition information ever since.

How did you find out about the GAPS diet?

I found out about the GAPS diet through the Wise Traditions magazine (which is the quarterly publication of the Weston A. Price Foundation).  At first, I didn't pay much attention to the diet as we were already eating a nutrient-dense diet. Over time, though, I realized that the GAPS diet was something that could really help my family.

In your words, what is the GAPS diet?

The GAPS diet is a temporary diet used to establish normal gut flora and repair any leaks in the gut walls.  Having the wrong balance of gut flora and leaks in the gut walls can lead to a whole range of autoimmune reactions and diseases, from mild ones like eczema and allergies to serious problems such as lupus, autism, and rheumatoid arthritis.  And since the immune system resides primarily in the gut, resistance to illness can also be compromised by gut problems.

The GAPS diet is very nourishing and allows the gut walls to heal by allowing no complex food molecules (which cannot be properly digested by a compromised gut). The diet allows no processed foods (such as white flour and sugar), as well as no starches (such as potatoes and corn), grains (such as wheat and oats), or complex sugars (which are present in sucanat and maple syrup, among others).  Instead, the diet focuses on lots of healthy fats (like coconut oil and animal fats), along with meats, fruits, vegetables, bone broths, and fermented foods (which provide good bacteria to the gut). 

What motivated your family to start the GAPS diet?

We decided to try the GAPS diet to address different problems for each member of our family.  My husband has always had sinus problems (including many courses of antibiotics during his adult years and two sinus surgeries back when we still trusted mainstream medicine).  My husband also had some persistent eczema on his forearms (nothing major, but enough to be annoying). I was experiencing quite a bit of joint pain, especially in one shoulder, that made it hard to pick up the baby, push kids on the swings, and exercise.  My daughter (who was 3.5 years old when we started GAPS) had always had a depressed immune system and poor weight gain.

What changes in your family's health have you noticed since starting it?

The results of the GAPS diet have been amazing for us.  Within the first month, my husband's sinuses and eczema greatly improved, and my joint pain was completely gone! We've now been on GAPS for over a year. My daughter's weight gain improved dramatically, and her immune system is the much better as well.   My husband and I do still have occasional recurrences (usually when we've been trying to introduce non-GAPS foods back into our diet), but overall things are much better.

What are your favorite GAPS recipes?

I love lots of nourishing soups and stews. I really like using squash in place of noodles for spaghetti and skillet lasagna (I tried a taste of rice pasta and couldn't believe how bland and blah it was).  My family absolutely adores bunless burgers (with homemade mayonnaise, pickles, and ketchup) as well as roasted chicken with caramelized onions.  We also love clafoutis (which is a cross between a custard and a cake).

What would a typical day or week of meals look like in your house?

This week, our menu looks like this:

  • Breakfasts are a combination of the following (usually cooked during the weekend in big batches)
    • pesto and dried tomato egg muffins
    • apple cinnamon muffins (made with coconut flour)
    • nitrate-free bacon [I only allow one 8-oz package per week for our family, since bacon is allowed once per week on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (which was the basis for the GAPS diet)]
    • cooked veggies with butter
  • Lunches
    • homemade soups that have been frozen in single-serving containers
    • cold lunch of boiled eggs, homemade pickles, cheese, and dried fruit
    • liver and butter saute with buttered broccoli
  • Dinners
    • pork and white bean soup with green chile, tomatoes, and garlic (garnished with avocado, shredded cheese, and sour cream)
    • bunless burgers with homemade ketchup, mayonnaise, and pickles
    • marinara sauce with elk meat, served over spaghetti squash
    • leftovers!
  • Snacks
    • fruit with cheese
    • homemade yogurt with berries
    • applesauce with a little sour cream mixed in
    • veggie sticks and homemade ranch dressing
    • pork rinds with sour cream
  • Drinks
    • milk kefir
    • homemade kombucha
    • water kefir soda
    • water with lemon or apple cider vinegar

YOUR HEALTH: self help books & health articles for WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMS & FREE DIET PLANS

Ten Success Strategies Every Dieter Should Know by Dr. John H. Maher
 1. Attaining and maintaining lean body mass is a lifetime commitment, needing lifetime

lifestyle strategies.

2. Ease on Down the Diet Road: Making gradual adjustments in food, exercise and supplementation works better for long-term weight-loss than drastic measures you cannot maintain.

3. Eat small frequent meals, well chewed, slowly eaten. Give thanks before meals. Put your fork, spoon, or food down between each bite.

4. Start eating early and try to get most of your calories in by 3-5 PM.

5. When hungry between meals, try 8 to 16 oz of water first. Green tea is likely even better. Perhaps add fiber (psyllium, oat bran, chitosan) to the water to "fill you up" and absorb fat and bile.

6. Eat vegetable-based clear soups and fish frequently.

7. Create "reward meals". The key to a long-term strategy of eating well is not having to be being perfect. Have some "planned cheating" or a "cheat allowance" built into your strategy.

8. Always start with a sensible, balanced nutrient dense nutrition strategy combined with exercise and supplements.

Move to the more extreme and restricted strategies only as proved necessary.

Then "cycle" or "sandwich" these more extreme strategies with a balanced nutrient dense wide variety strategy.

This way you will not get "bored" with the more restrictive strategies, which are very difficult to maintain for long periods of time for most of us.

Don't play the "all or nothing" Yo-Yo diet game.

9. If obese, high sodium intake significantly increases death risk, regardless of blood pressure. So if you are obese be moderate in sodium from salt and additives.

10. Look in the mirror every day, preferably before or after showering, and tell the person in the mirror you love him/her.

Regardless of your physical appearance, fatten up with self-love the real person inside!
Dr. John H. Maher, Editor.,"Longevity News" Your FREE Anti-Aging Prescription On-line. Webite: RxforWe self help books
“Change Your Lifestyle to Conquer Obesity”
Obesity is a widespread condition that is plaguing many individuals today. It is rampant in today's society that it is now considered a public health concern.
When a person's intake of energy, which he gets from the food he eats, exceeds that of the energy burned or expended, the excess energy is stored in the body as fatty tissues. Over time, the amount of fat accumulates. When the accumulation of fat posses a serious risk to one’s health, the condition is known as obesity.
“When Dieting Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day?”
Face it, if you weigh yourself more than once a day, you are a serious scale addict, and if you let the number on the scale affect how you feel, and whether it's going to be a good day, you are probably a bit too involved with that appliance. Danger, danger! Step away from the scale!
The scale simply cannot tell the difference between muscle and fat, and while fat is bulky and lumpy, muscle is sleek and shapely.
“We're Eating Ourselves to Death”
Inactive Americans are eating themselves to death at an alarming rate, their unhealthy habits fast approaching tobacco as the top underlying preventable cause of death, a government study found.
In 2000, poor diet including obesity and physical inactivity caused 400,000 U.S. deaths - more than 16 percent of all deaths and the No. 2 killer. That compares with 435,000 for tobacco, or 18 percent, as the top underlying killer.
“Weight Loss: Customize, Personalize, Spice Up!”
You know you have weighted, err, waited more than enough. So you decide to get yourself started on some weight loss programs and regimens.
In all likelihood you would draft yourself with the ones that promise you sure-hit quick weight loss tips. So you sweat and strain with your chosen weight loss program, perhaps ecstatically so at the start.
Sure your body gets all aching with all your joints and knuckles cracking in epic proportions like ungreased door hinges of horror movies.
“Weight Control, A Serious Goal”
f you ask around, most people are on one form of a diet or another.
But while losing weight may be a popular goal, for some it’s an absolute necessity.
Becoming overweight or obese starts with a few extra pounds that quietly turn into 20 extra pounds, and then 40, and so on.
self help books, health article, new health articles,
With the extra weight comes an increased risk of heart attacks, diabetes, and some cancers.
“Want To Burn More Fat? It's Easy When You Increase Your Aerobic Metabolism”
Just about every person in the world would like to reduce fat somewhere on his or her body.
While we've been told for years that exercise is needed in order to burn fat, there has been much discussion about why and which exercises will get the job done faster and better.
Let me clear this up for you now. To increase the way your body burns fat, there must be an increase in your aerobic metabolism rate.
“Up Your Workouts With Interval Training”
There's been a lot of buzz recently about Interval Training.
So, you may be wondering what it really is and, more importantly, why you should incorporate it in your fitness workouts.
Well, if you want a workout that can help propel you to the next fitness level, burn more calories, increase your speed, improve your power and more, then it's time to learn more about this effective technique.

“Understand the Science of Obesity And You're On Your Way To Conquer It”
Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that's not exactly true.
An overweight person has a surplus amount of weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water.
An obese person has a surplus of body fat. Body Mass Index (BMI) is commonly used to determine if a person is obese or not.
A person with a BMI over 30 is considered to be obese, and a BMI over 40 is considered to be severely obese.
“Two Words That Guarantee Success (or failure) When Planning To Lose Weight”
Did you know that being successful with losing weight starts with just two words?
Two words will either guarantee you'll lose weight, or guarantee the you WON'T lose weight.
You see, words are very powerful. Especially the words that we say to ourselves... our self-talk.
Whatever we say to ourselves goes directly to our subconscious and is accepted as complete truth.
“Top Thirty Weight Loss Tips and Tricks”
1. Never leave home "starving." Always have a light snack before eating dinner in a restaurant, such as a piece of fruit, a glass of juice or a carrot.
2. Don't go food shopping on an empty stomach! You'll be tempted to buy everything in sight.
3. Don't be tempted by treats. Store them out of view, off counter-tops and as out-of-reach as possible.
“Top 20 Benefits of Exercise”
1. Elevates your metabolism so that you burn more calories everyday.
2. Increases your aerobic capacity (fitness level). This gives you the ability to go through your day with less relative energy expenditure. This enables a "fit" person to have more energy at the end of the day and to get more accomplished during the day with less fatigue.
3. Maintains, tones, and strengthens your muscle. Exercise also increases your muscular endurance.
“Top 18 Benefits of Weight Training”
1. Weight training tones your muscles which looks great and raises your basal metabolism... which causes you to burn more calories 24 hours-a-day. You'll even burn more calories while you're sleeping.
2. Weight training can *reverse* the natural decline in your metabolism which begins around age 30.
3. Weight training energizes you.
4. Weight training has a positive affect on almost all of your 650+ muscles
“Top 10 Weight Loss and Fitness Myths”
If you're interested in losing weight and getting fit as quickly as possible, don't let these myths throw you off track;
Myth #1 - Some fancy exercise machine-of-the-month burns more calories than any other exercise.
FACT - One thing that many people seem to be confused about is how many calories are expended during different types of exercise.
For example, I receive lots of questions regarding how many calories are burned with fancy exercise machines or certain unusual exercises that are supposed to burn lots of calories.
“Top 10 Tips For Finding Time For Exercise”
f you're like most people, finding time for exercise is difficult.
Here are my "top 10" tips to help you in that quest..
1. Make exercise a priority. We all make time in our lives for the things that are most important to us.
If I told you I'd give you a million dollars if you exercised everyday for the next 30 days, would you do it?
“Top 10 Reasons To Exercise In The Morning”
f I had to pick a single factor that I thought was most important in a successful exercise or weight loss program, it would be to exercise first thing in the morning - every morning!
Some mornings, you may just be able to fit in a 10 minute walk, but it's important to try to do something every morning.
“Too Tired to Lose Weight?”
What causes you to eat when you’re not feeling hungry?
Perhaps you feel tired? Although there are many other causes, this is the one we’ll look at today.
It’s a busy time of year and most of us undoubtedly have lots to do.
Running around trying to get everything done can often leave us feeling tired or even exhausted.
“Tips to Help You Lose Excess Fat”
Believe it or not, losing a little or a lot of fat involves pretty much the same concept - consistent dieting coupled with cardiovascular exercise and weight training.
This is how the professionals do it, and it works.
If you are overweight, you may be hesitant to start a weight training program, but the benefits far outweigh any reservations you may have.
Weight training enhances your fat loss by increasing your muscle mass and more muscle means more calories burned (faster metabolism).
“Tips For Successful Weight Loss”
Throughout my childhood and teenage years I watched as my mother tried every fad diet under the sun.
I recall one time she ate boiled cabbage and nothing else for a whole week.
I felt my mothers’ frustration and misery, however I could not understand why it was so difficult for her to lose weight and keep it off – until that is I became a weight management coach.
“Thirty Hints and Tips to Achievable Weight Loss”
Here are some everyday, helpful hints to get you started, keep you going, and help you stick to your diet.
1. Never leave home "starving." Always have a light snack before eating dinner in a restaurant, such as a piece of fruit, a glass of juice or a carrot.
2. Don't go food shopping on an empty stomach! You'll be tempted to buy everything in sight.
“The World's Most Powerful Workout”
Chances are, you don't have hours to spend at the gym each day.
But you know that you need to fit exercise into your busy schedule.
So if you've had it with marathon workouts that cut into your precious time, you owe it to yourself to check out more efficient and effective types of exercise.
“The TRUTH About How to Lose Weight”
The huge companies stealing your money by promising impossible results if you just drink their shake, take their pill, or do 10 minutes of exercise on their wiz-bang machines are abusing your trust in the name of profits and market share.
The real truth is that most (if not all) the products they’re peddling are worthless – to you, that is. To them, the products are incredibly valuable – because they’re raking in huge profits at your expense.
· Are you sick of the hype and outright deception being fed to you by the weight loss and fitness industries?
“The Top Ten Things You Don't Want to Hear About Losing Weight”
No, you won’t end up looking like the latest hot young model/singer/actress!
Let’s face it: your body is your body. It’s the only one you’ve got.
Can you still look great? Sure! But there are some things you can’t change. You can’t make your legs longer or your feet smaller.
You can’t grow five inches or elongate your torso. You have what you have, so work with it! Concentrate on making a healthy and fit you instead of wishing you looked like someone else. You don’t have to be perfect to be attractive.
A strong, fit body as well as the self-confidence it brings can make any person attractive!
There’s one measure of success most diet experts agree on: keeping a food diary.
Sydney nurse Lidija Jurisic had been working for 15 years when she noticed she was eating sugar to stay awake.
“I was 50, I was sick and I just couldn’t do it anymore,” Jurisic, 53, recalls.
“People say, ‘you’re a nurse, you’re supposed to know [about nutrition],’ but you just don’t think about it.”
“The Devil In Their Diet”
Scientific Proof That Food Additives Cause Hyperactivity
Twelve months ago, at school and in his Glasgow home, seven-year-old Ryan Gallacher was all but uncontrollable.
Then, in August last year, his father Alex changed Ryan's diet.
Off the menu went anything with artificial food additives.
“The Cabbage Soup Diet Explained”
This one is almost certainly in the 'Fad' camp.
And you REALLY have to like cabbages in order to try this diet!
You probably won't be surprised to find that this 7 day diet plan requires you to eat cabbage soup, constantly.
The rationale behind the Cabbage Soup Diet is that cabbage can somehow 'flush' fat from your body.
“The Best Way to Use Low Carb Control”
The benefits of low-carb dieting are easy to see and make clear why so many are choosing a low-carb way of life.
For example, there isn't any counting of calories or measuring portions. In addition you do not have to cut out all the food you enjoy.
You can continue eating burgers, cheese, and bacon.
Putting yourself on an eating plan for most people is generally complicated and yet the low-carb diet plan is simple enough for anyone. Cut your carbs down and watch the pounds fall.

Healthy Weight Loss Diets - Livestrong

Healthy Weight Loss Diets

The Alexis Bellino Diet

Today, celebrities from the entertainment sector often promote a diet or work as a spokesperson for fad diet products du jour. Television star Alexis Bellino doesn't promote a particular product or method, but offers advice on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Unlike typical fare from celebrities and fad diets, Alexis Bellino offers guidance in line with expert recommendations and established approaches to safe and effective long-term weight loss. The approach to dieting Alexis Bellino advocates has several key aspects.

All About Healthy Weight Loss Diets

The diet includes two daily meals--breakfast and lunch--that consist of two Ryvita Crispbread crackers topped with various suggested toppings. Dinner consists of a regular meal, based on a list of suggested healthy entrees. Som...
Other factors, such as the sensory quality of food, also contribute to satiety. Scientific research has revealed much about this mysterious function and how it contributes to weight control, but much remains to be learned.
If you want to get in shape over the course of six months, it's important to set healthy goals. Using cardio activity and strength training will help you increase calorie burning and tone your muscles. Together, these lif
Tapioca pearls are chewy and can make drinking bubble tea more enjoyable, but they are not highly nutritious. Tapioca pearls are rich in carbohydrates, but do not provide much other nutritional value, so they are not a particul...
After a routine doctor visit reveals borderline high blood pressure, you decide to take your wellness seriously. You plan to eat more veggies, cut back on fast food and hit the gym more often. But why not start with that bottle...
With the wide variety of diet and weight-loss advice available, it can be difficult to weed out the unhealthy weight-loss tips. You could hire a nutritionist or fitness coach to help lead you in the right direction, but these s...
Unfortunately, the facts are indisputable: A chili-cheese omelet is more delicious than an egg-white omelet, French fries taste better than side salads and chicken is yummier when battered and fried. On the other hand, being a...
While there are some exercises and dietary tips that can help both men and women get skinny legs, a balance between a healthy diet and adequate exercise is essential to achieve your goal and maintain optimal health. Spot reduct...
However, making drastic changes to your diet such as eating too few calories or trying a potentially dangerous diet is not the answer. It is possible to eat a well-balanced diet to lose weight and body fat. As a bonus, you'll e...
Metagenics' physicians and practitioners aim to help patients manage or reverse chronic conditions through tailored fitness, diet and lifestyle plans. In addition to overweight and obesity, the therapy program treats related co...
When combined with herbal supplements, Willard claims the diet cleanses the body in 12 days. According to Willard, 70 percent of his patients follow his detox program at least once a year. He aims to help people get back on tra...
Exercise and a healthy diet often whittles a double chin, slims down chipmunk cheeks, and tones your body. Unfortunately, wide noses don't respond to weight loss strategies as readily as wide hips do. To slim your nose, either ...
It may not be practical to create breakfast, lunch and dinner using the same percentages of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Plan each meal so that by the end of the day, you will have eaten a balanced diet that contains the c...
Obesity, diabetes, allergies, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer and other ailments are on the rise. The toxins have accumulated in our bodies and detox programs are a popular solution to cleanse and restore ...

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/healthy-weight-loss-diets/#ixzz2ZmXDgVLB

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Tag Archives: Motivation

Weight Loss Strategy And Motivational Goals

Weight Loss Strategy And Motivational Goals
It’s hard to lose weight.  It takes time.  It takes commitment.  Planning plays a big part.  Changing habits is challenging.  So where do you start?  Knowing your weight loss strategy is vital.  It links into your motivational goals. Here are some tips to create your weight loss strategy and motivational goals. 1. Commit to Yourself Weight loss is just one part of your life.  Losing weight takes time and effort.  Think about your lifestyle.  Can you free up some time ... Read More »

3 tips when you feel like giving up on your diet

Tips when you feel like giving up on your diet
When you feel like giving up on your diet, take a couple of minutes to rethink. You’ve worked hard to get to this far, and you’ve probably lost weight already.  Monday is the best day to start over. By taking time on Sunday to plan for the week ahead, you can kick start your diet.  Here are 3 tips that could help get you back on track, and motivated for Monday. 1. Refocus What’s done is done, you can’t change ... Read More »

4 Reasons to use support groups for weight loss

Weigh Loss Support

The Importance Of Diet Support Groups

Diet Support Groups
Diet support groups works on many different levels. It not only gives you a place to speak about how you feel but also allows you to learn from others. When trying to lose weight there can be a lot of external pressures. Sometimes friends and family trying to help can be the biggest problem. This is why group support like Weight Watchers can give you a more focused support. This is important because it allows you to openly talk about ... Read More »

5 Tips To Plan Your Diet

Plan Your Diet
We have all been there, the excitement of losing a few pounds in the early days. Then Wham! the harsh reality of the hard work that a diet takes. Losing weight is a dedicated long term commitment. We often forget how long it takes to put on the weight. It creeps up slowly, pound by pound. So in the same way it’s going to take time to lose it pound by pound. Having interviewed hundreds of dieters we know what ... Read More »
When I started to write this article, the Beatles song, With A Little Help From My Friends, kept going through my mind.  I know it’s a bit cheesy, but the lyrics seem to capture what I wanted to write about.  Getting support from family and friends, no matter what you are trying to do, really does help. Support groups have been around for many years and for many different reasons.  People find them a great  source of help, a safe ... Read More »

The Importance Of Diet Support Groups

Diet Support Groups
Diet support groups works on many different levels. It not only gives you a place to speak about how you feel but also allows you to learn from others. When trying to lose weight there can be a lot of external pressures. Sometimes friends and family trying to help can be the biggest problem. This is why group support like Weight Watchers can give you a more focused support. This is important because it allows you to openly talk about ... Read More »

5 Tips To Plan Your Diet

Plan Your Diet
We have all been there, the excitement of losing a few pounds in the early days. Then Wham! the harsh reality of the hard work that a diet takes. Losing weight is a dedicated long term commitment. We often forget how long it takes to put on the weight. It creeps up slowly, pound by pound. So in the same way it’s going to take time to lose it pound by pound. Having interviewed hundreds of dieters we know what ... Read More »