Diet Plans for Couples

When you exercise together, you can spot each other for safe lifting.
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Losing weight through diet and exercise requires determination and commitment, and doubling up to lose weight as a couple presents its own set of benefits and challenges. When you set goals and plan out your diet together, you can motivate each other to weight-loss success.

Benefits and Challenges of Couples Dieting

When losing weight together as a couple, you add motivation and accountability. You can spot each other during weight training and offer emotional support when the dieting gets tough. Unfortunately, dieting together presents a unique set of challenges. For one, men and women face different weight loss issues and are motivated by different things. While women tend to put on more fat during child-bearing years, men are less likely to identify their need for weight loss. Men may be more motivated by a medical condition or recommendation, while women gain more motivation from societal pressure to be thin. Men and women gain muscle and lose fat differently and have different nutritional needs, so the same program may yield different results for each partner.

Nutrition Plan

Men and women have different nutritional needs, and your plan should reflect this. While you can prepare the same foods and enjoy the same meals, women will probably require smaller portions and fewer overall calories. Reduce your caloric intake by eating five to six smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to fill you both up with fiber and nutrients without all the calories and fat. Choose foods and recipes you both enjoy, and look for ways to prepare of modify them to meet your weight-loss goals.

Healthful Cooking for Two

Careful planning before heading to the grocery store can make dieting success easier. Look for healthful recipes that freeze well, such as soups, stews or casseroles, so you can each enjoy a portion and save the extra to bring to work or pull out on busy nights when you may be tempted to eat out. Start your grocery shopping in the produce section, and stock up on plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to snack on instead of chips, crackers or candy bars. When the two of you sit down to eat, place a single serving of each food on your plate and leave the rest in the kitchen to reduce the temptation to overeat. Sitting at the table instead of in front of the TV makes you more aware of what you're eating.


Adding 45 to 60 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise four days per week can double your rate of weight loss, says Your cardio options expand when you have a partner. Instead of endless hours alone on the treadmill, head to the park for a game of tennis or learn to row doubles at the lake. Hit the weights at least twice a week as a pair to build metabolism-boosting muscle. Transform your workout from a chore to a special time to spend together each day.

Tips for Success

Set short- and long-term goals both individually and as a couple. Write them down and revisit them often to evaluate your progress. Identify possible obstacles and plan how you'll overcome them together. For example, if your friends invite you out for dinner and drinks frequently, plan ahead by researching healthful menu items and alcoholic drink alternatives before you head out the door.

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