Stay Slim With Him

Tips to live healthfully ever after

stay slim together
Your husband's weight—not his sparkling eyes or sense of humor—may have been what drew you to him, finds research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Couples tend to share similar body fat levels when they meet—and are likely to stay that way over the years. Similarly, other research shows that if one partner improves his/her habits, the other may follow suit. Here are six healthy eating tips to live healthfully ever after:
1. Bond over breakfast
Many studies show that breakfast eaters are less likely to be overweight than those who skip their morning meal. Set aside 15 minutes to eat together before you head out the door.
2. Avoid snacking together
Just because one of you is a snacker doesn't mean you both have to be. Stop and consider whether you're actually hungry or just "eating with company" before digging in, and encourage him to do the same (keep in mind that men generally require more calories per day than women).
More from Prevention: 8 Surprising Reasons Couples Shouldn't Work Out Together
3. Preplan your portions
If dinner at home means lingering over a long meal at the dining room table, dole out a portion before you sit down and leave any leftovers in the kitchen. With the extras out of sight, you'll both be less likely to overeat.
4. Break up the takeout
If one of you craves a hearty meal (like pizza), but the other wants something a bit lighter (like sushi), place orders at two different restaurants and eat at home as a couple.
5. Make one meal two ways
Buy groceries for a shared meal that you can each personalize to your liking and to that day's caloric needs (the same basic ingredients can be used to make a burrito or a lower calorie Tex Mex salad).
6. Stretch your drink
Men can usually tolerate more alcohol—and calories. Instead of joining him for seconds, have seltzer with a dash of orange juice and a squeeze of lime. Or ask for half wine and half seltzer, and join in both rounds. Encourage him to stop after two (the amount the USDA says men can drink healthfully).

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