Healthy Weight Loss Diets - Livestrong

Healthy Weight Loss Diets

The Alexis Bellino Diet

Today, celebrities from the entertainment sector often promote a diet or work as a spokesperson for fad diet products du jour. Television star Alexis Bellino doesn't promote a particular product or method, but offers advice on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Unlike typical fare from celebrities and fad diets, Alexis Bellino offers guidance in line with expert recommendations and established approaches to safe and effective long-term weight loss. The approach to dieting Alexis Bellino advocates has several key aspects.

All About Healthy Weight Loss Diets

The diet includes two daily meals--breakfast and lunch--that consist of two Ryvita Crispbread crackers topped with various suggested toppings. Dinner consists of a regular meal, based on a list of suggested healthy entrees. Som...
Other factors, such as the sensory quality of food, also contribute to satiety. Scientific research has revealed much about this mysterious function and how it contributes to weight control, but much remains to be learned.
If you want to get in shape over the course of six months, it's important to set healthy goals. Using cardio activity and strength training will help you increase calorie burning and tone your muscles. Together, these lif
Tapioca pearls are chewy and can make drinking bubble tea more enjoyable, but they are not highly nutritious. Tapioca pearls are rich in carbohydrates, but do not provide much other nutritional value, so they are not a particul...
After a routine doctor visit reveals borderline high blood pressure, you decide to take your wellness seriously. You plan to eat more veggies, cut back on fast food and hit the gym more often. But why not start with that bottle...
With the wide variety of diet and weight-loss advice available, it can be difficult to weed out the unhealthy weight-loss tips. You could hire a nutritionist or fitness coach to help lead you in the right direction, but these s...
Unfortunately, the facts are indisputable: A chili-cheese omelet is more delicious than an egg-white omelet, French fries taste better than side salads and chicken is yummier when battered and fried. On the other hand, being a...
While there are some exercises and dietary tips that can help both men and women get skinny legs, a balance between a healthy diet and adequate exercise is essential to achieve your goal and maintain optimal health. Spot reduct...
However, making drastic changes to your diet such as eating too few calories or trying a potentially dangerous diet is not the answer. It is possible to eat a well-balanced diet to lose weight and body fat. As a bonus, you'll e...
Metagenics' physicians and practitioners aim to help patients manage or reverse chronic conditions through tailored fitness, diet and lifestyle plans. In addition to overweight and obesity, the therapy program treats related co...
When combined with herbal supplements, Willard claims the diet cleanses the body in 12 days. According to Willard, 70 percent of his patients follow his detox program at least once a year. He aims to help people get back on tra...
Exercise and a healthy diet often whittles a double chin, slims down chipmunk cheeks, and tones your body. Unfortunately, wide noses don't respond to weight loss strategies as readily as wide hips do. To slim your nose, either ...
It may not be practical to create breakfast, lunch and dinner using the same percentages of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Plan each meal so that by the end of the day, you will have eaten a balanced diet that contains the c...
Obesity, diabetes, allergies, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer and other ailments are on the rise. The toxins have accumulated in our bodies and detox programs are a popular solution to cleanse and restore ...

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